March 5, 2024
School News

Discovering Hong Kong with Christ College’s Benson Geng-Wang

Seeking to broaden his horizons through Round Square exchange opportunities, Year 12 student Benson Geng-Wang eagerly signed up for a taste of Hong Kong. He joined the prestigious St Paul’s Co-Educational College (SPCC) for two weeks in early December 2023.

Upon arrival in Hong Kong Benson (seen here on the right) received a warm welcome from his exchange partner, Jason, along with students from the same class and they explored the historical significance of the Che Kung Temple.  On the first day of school, he recalls getting up early … ‘about 5am – because of my excitement and being a bit nervous.’  He took the MTR using my Octopus card (八達通) for a few stations and then a bus to get to school. On arrival, his first task was to introduce himself during the morning assembly and provide an overview of Christ’s College.’ Benson was placed into class (5i) ‘to be greeted by many curious stares.’

Benson describes his experience in Hong Kong as ‘truly unreal’ and it has ignited his passion for global exploration and intercultural understanding. ‘It is a chance for you to step outside your comfort zone and immerse yourself in a completely different setting.’

‘Going on this Round Square exchange was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The experience was truly unique and unforgettable. If you [can] go on an exchange like this, just go for it and make the most of it. The process is easy as you only have to pay for the airfares and the school will sort out everything.’