March 7, 2024
Education News

ISNZ Honours Awards 2024

About the Honours Awards

The ISNZ Honours Awards aim to inspire members through recognition and celebration of innovation and excellence so that our schools remain at the forefront of educational best practice and achievement outcomes.

We would like to thank and acknowledge Cambridge Assessment Internal Education for its ongoing support of these prestigious awards.

A wide range of roles contribute to the success of Independent (Private) Schools. The Honours Awards are inclusive of the diversity of positions held by staff at ISNZ Member Schools:

  • Early Learning
  • Boarding staff
  • Pastoral care / Deans / Counsellors
  • Sports/Performing Arts
  • Leadership roles / Senior Managers
  • Support and Administration
  • Education Outside the Classroom
  • Development / Alumni / Fund Raising /Advancement
  • Teaching / Professional Development
  • Finance / Property / International Education
Candidates should
  • Demonstrate an outstanding commitment and dedication to students (not exclusively in classroom settings)
  • Not be the Head or Principal of the School who reports directly to the Board
  • Have a minimum of five years of service at an ISNZ Member School
  • Be a role model for students and peers to enhance the values of independent schooling.
  • Be full or part-time employees
  • Be an individual (entries about group, team or partnerships are not eligible)
These awards will recognise nominees:
  • Who demonstrate outstanding leadership in promoting effective learning
  • Who demonstrate outstanding service in their school in their field of expertise
  • Who inspire students, staff and the school community to strive for even greater learning outcomes.
  • Who demonstrate engagement with the whole school community in working towards the generation of a culture of inclusion, high expectations and success
  • Whose achievement is demonstrated by some or all of the following:
    • Innovation and adaptation
    • Strategic resource management
    • Productive working relationships
    • Educational strategic thinking
    • Self-reflection and development
    • Delivery of quality learning outcomes for students
    • Contribute to national or international educational outcomes.
Application Guidelines

The selection committee recommend that time is spent reflecting on the circumstances and impact the nominee has made in their school, including:

  • Why the person is being nominated for an ISNZ Honour Award.
  • What the nominee has achieved, undertaken or completed that has made a difference to students, the school or wider community.
  • How the nominee has tailored teaching practices and/or support services for students, school or community in their setting.
  • What have they done differently that has made a difference or shows excellence in their field.
  • Evidence and data for the nominee that supports their success in their setting.
  • Comment on the nominee’s abilities in relation to the above criteria from the Head/Principal and/or colleague(s)
  • Endorsement from the Head / Principal or Board Chair.
  • Involvement outside of the school community which utilises the strengths of the nominee.
  • Delivery of professional development for the wider education community in their field of expertise? (Workshops, presented at conferences, mentoring, sharing of resources etc)

Please include two references. These may be from parents, colleagues, students, Board, school and wider community or school Head/Principal. A maximum of ten awards will be granted in any given year, with no more than one recipient from any one school. Previous winners may not be re-nominated for the same category of award.

Application Process

Please send completed applications to by 5.00pm on Friday 28th June 2024.