March 14, 2024
School News

Beyond COP21 Symposium

Principal & Environmental Lead Teachers are invited to attend a full day Beyond COP21 Symposium, kindly hosted by Green School New Zealand, on Tuesday, 9th April 2024 from 9.00am to 4.00 pm. Beyond COP21 is a global series of symposia, based around the post Paris and Sustainable Development Goals agendas, that started in January 2016. Key decisions made at COP26 in Glasgow and targets identified at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh and for COP28 in Dubai will be incorporated into the discussions.The series will continue through to 2030, aimed at engaging hundreds of school communities along the way and with the support of Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots and

The series has taken place 37 times, in countries such as the UK, Jordan, UAE, Kenya, Qatar, Canada, Peru, Taiwan, Spain, Vietnam, Switzerland, USA, Georgia and Singapore, with future events already confirmed in the UK, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Hong Kong, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia in 2024 and 2025.

The event consists of themed high impact presentations, guest speakers, workshops, networking, pledge making and student-led discussions, as well as an exhibition of local sustainable organisations. Each school is asked to bring along up to 10 students from Years 7-9.

Participation is by invitation only; therefore schools are asked to confirm attendance by Thursday, 22nd February 2024.

Full schedule, planning and logistics for the event will be completed and sent out to all participating schools by the beginning of March 2024.

Confirmation of participation and any further information required should be directed to Peter Milne, Founder/Director of Target4Green Educational Consultancy and Training Ltd., and organiser/facilitator of the Beyond COP21 Symposium series.
