August 22, 2024
School News

Future Problem Solving: St Andrew’s College Third in the World

A group of 11 Year 8–9 students travelled with Preparatory School Future Problem Solving coach, Sonia Lewis, and Preparatory School teacher Kelly McBride, to the International Future Problem Solving Competition held at Indiana University Bloomington, USA. The teams qualified in the New Zealand national finals in October 2023 while in the Preparatory School.

The Year 9 Future Problem Solving team of William Nicolls, Sophie Schouten, Genevieve Bainbridge-Smith, Alyssa Geddes, Alexa Collis (all Year 9), and Maja Clark (Year 8 leaver 2023), won third place in the world in the ‘Presentation of Action Plan’ category, with 72 teams competing in their division. The Boys’ team of Cong (Zilong) Chen, Benjamin Edward, Louie Hyland, and Emmett Lawler (all Year 8) won ninth place in ‘Global Issues’ and the judges commented that they were an “exceptional team.”