April 5, 2024
School News

St Cuthbert’s College Sherilyn White Scholarship

St Cuthbert’s College is delighted to announce that the prestigious Sherilyn White Scholarship has been awarded to Kate Irwin, for her outstanding sporting achievements, and ‘By Love Serve’ approach in giving back to the College, and students.

The Sherilyn White Scholarship was established to commemorate the life of a much-loved past student, and athlete, who sadly passed away in 1988, after collapsing during a Half Ironman competition. The recipient of the scholarship receives $6000 to help progress towards their short and long-term sporting goals.

The shortlisted candidates for 2023 were Charlotte Greenwood (Cross Country and Athletics); Lauren Storey (Hockey); and Jessie Yan (Fencing). The award was presented at a Senior School Assembly last year by Head of Faculty for PE and Health, Amelia McKibbin. “Kate is a passionate, enthusiastic sportswoman. She is humble when listing her sporting successes and contributions to the College. Her sporting achievements are undeniably impressive. She proudly represents New Zealand on the international stage, excelling in not just one, but two sports: Cricket and Hockey.”

Kate has been selected for the New Zealand U19 Women’s T20 Cricket team, and, in Hockey, she has been selected for the New Zealand U18 Women’s squad. A testament to her leadership, Kate is the captain of both the St Cuthbert’s premier Cricket and premier Hockey teams. Among her numerous accomplishments, Kate points to her selection to represent New Zealand at the ICC Women’s U19 T20 World Cup, held in South Africa in January, as a very special moment.

On top of her busy personal sporting schedule, Kate exemplifies our motto, ‘By Love Serve’, giving back to St Cuthbert’s. She coaches two St Cuthbert’s Hockey teams, plus she also coaches the Year 5 and 6 St Cuthbert’s Cricket team. Kate is a York House Leader this year and is also an academic accounting tutor. She attributes her strong work ethic and diligence to her time at St Cuthbert’s, acknowledging the College’s role in nurturing these values.

Amelia McKibbin adds, “The path has not always been smooth for Kate. Last year she suffered two bulging discs which meant she was unable to play hockey for a lot of the season. It marked her first encounter with such a significant injury and resulted in her missing crucial tournaments she had diligently prepared for. This experience taught Kate how to endure and persevere in the face of substantial disappointments.”

Kate has big plans for her future, and has recently received a New Zealand domestic cricket contract to play for the Auckland Hearts in the upcoming season. When she leaves St Cuthbert’s at the end of the year, she plans to attend Canterbury University to study a Bachelor of Science majoring in Financial Engineering, with the ultimate goal of becoming an investment banker. In conjunction with her academic pursuits, Kate nurtures the aspiration to represent New Zealand at the Olympics.

“Amidst her commitments, Kate manages her responsibilities with a delightful sense of humour and an unwavering commitment to excellence. She thoroughly deserves this special award” says Amelia McKibbin.