March 26, 2024
Sponsor News

Fully immersive and sensory experiences with Tour Time

In years gone by, students could only dream of a time when technology would put the world in the palm of their hand. The digital age has brought many benefits to our students and youth during their most formative years; however, parents and teachers alike have noticed that many of our children now experience life through a screen and have diverted their attention from outwards to downwards.

As students leave their comfort zones to explore the world on an educational tour, they don’t just learn the power of acceptance and understanding as they encounter diverse cultures and learn to manage themselves out in the real world; they also replace a two-dimensional image on the screen or page with a fully immersive and sensory experience that will change them forever.

“It was an incredible experience to see a Space Shuttle and watch a real-life rocket launch and it amazed me to see the re-entry of the booster and to know that it is able to be used again.  The sonic boom was something I just wasn’t expecting, I felt it go all the way through me” Elise, age 14 who recently visited Space Trek at Kennedy Space Center.

Tour Time want to help you bring this kind of real-world experience to your students – we can provide endless opportunities for you to create an experience that will alter their perception of what they believe they know.  Whether it is standing before Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ in New York, hearing a rocket roar into space at Kennedy Space Center, walking the ancient streets of Pompeii or singing mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica…. we can bring your curriculum to life in a way that will be more meaningful and lasting than a YouTube video.  Sure, the screen can show you the world, but you can’t smell, taste, touch or feel these experiences … that technology hasn’t been invented yet…perhaps a visit to Silicon Valley will inspire one of your students to invent it!?

To learn more about how Tour Time can help you to bring your students textbooks to life contact us on 09 4268037 or  We can offer a no obligation chat or quote to help you inspire your students.