Say hello to Komodo the school-wide wellbeing solution! With a mission to make school a place where all students thrive, we are revolutionising the educational landscape by enabling schools to promote the holistic development of students and educators alike. Komodo Wellbeing is an evidence-based software solution that integrates wellbeing measurement, mental health initiatives, social-emotional learning, and mindfulness practices into schools. Our custom-built surveys, intelligent check-in system, and cohort analytics drive student and staff voice and enable effective interventions allowing schools to move beyond reactive processes to proactive management of student and staff wellbeing. 

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, ensuring the wellbeing and safeguarding of the school environment is paramount. Yet, many schools face challenges in effectively monitoring and addressing the diverse needs of their staff and students.

Most solutions on the market require a lot of manual admin and adopt a one-size-fits-all approach to insights. Komodo Wellbeing is here to change that. Tailored to your school’s needs, Komodo is designed to eliminate pastoral care barriers by leveraging the power of student surveying backed by our intelligent check-in and insights system.

The deployment of regular surveys allows staff to track a range of markers from sleep health to stress, digital wellbeing to social anxiety. By providing an opportunity to reflect, Komodo empowers students to take charge of their wellbeing and learn the process of self-regulation.

Our innovative check-in feature provides a safe space for students to reach out for support from trusted staff members when needed. Komodo's automated analysis of wellbeing insights generates recommended check-ins, proactively identifying students in need and facilitating timely interventions backed by real-time data.

Custom survey reports provide visibility across all students and enable staff to group data by individual students, classes, year groups or the overall school, providing staff with actionable insights into wellbeing trends within the school environment.

By weaving best psychology practices in the product and ensuring schools use research-backed, evidence-based approaches to wellbeing we are confident that Komodo is supporting schools to interpret data trends, strengths & weaknesses for best intervention strategies.

Check out our range of free wellbeing resources, sign-up for a free 30-day trial or explore our new Staff Wellbeing add-on on our website.

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